
Faders Arrive at Tenwek

We are so happy to be here at Tenwek! We had a smooth trip, and we have moved into our apartment (with a lot of help from the Cropseys). Jason has done hospital orientation, and he starts work tomorrow. The girls are having a fantastic time, as you will see.
Thank you for your prayers in this move.
Jetlag is hitting in full force here, so in lieu of written descriptions, here are some pictures of our trip and first days at Tenwek.

Anna rides with the luggage in Nairobi. 11 of 12 pieces arrived with us, and the 12th arrived to us today.

We sleep under mosquito nets here. Anna loves it. Yesterday she forgot what to call it, and she called it a spider net.

Here’s our apartment building home. We live on the first floor, these two windows, and the Cropseys live on the top floor. Anna and Elise are good buddies already.


  1. Hip Hip Horray! All the Faders AND their luggage are in Kenya! God is good!

  2. Great to hear that you arrived safely. I hope you continue to settle in smoothly and are able to get lots of sleep soon :-)


  3. Great news guys, that is very exciting! We miss you, but can't wait to come visit you some time. Meanwhile, we have 6 inches of snow to enjoy here in Grand Rapids.

    -- Eric, Sarah and Emily

  4. Congrats! Look forward to our piki ride together.

  5. You made it! Hope your settling in process continues smoothly. Maybe we'll see you over there sometime!
    ~Lassiter family

  6. I'm so glad you made it safely! Looks like the girls are doing well already. I'm sure the Cropseys are especially glad you're there :) Hope to see you guys soon! My number is 0724031302. Give me a call when you get a chance!

  7. We love the pictures!! We miss seeing Anna at church though : ( But she looks like she's having a great time! Say hi to her for us and tell her we miss her!!

  8. You guys look great...fitting in perfectly =)....!

    Keep the posts and pictures coming!

  9. Great to read of your arrival. Love the pictures...

  10. Do you know what I first thought when I saw those pictures? I thought "Those girls are going to have a splendid, rich, wonderful childhood." It's great to see them. Hurrah for the internet!
