
McCropder-plex Revealed!

Jess Cropsey just spent some time taking pictures of our new digs and passed them along! All three families will be living in the same building. There are five units: 2 upstairs and 3 downstairs. The Cropseys are on the top right, the Faders on the bottom right, and McLaughlins bottom middle in this picture.
Here's the view out the front, where another Post Residency family (the Galats, see blog on right hand side of our blog) live. I'm sure anyone old enough will be spending a lot of time climbing that tree!This is the McLaughlin front door...And the Fader front door...Here's the McCropder garden, which we decided to jointly hire a gardener for. Fresh produce, coming right up!
This is the Fader kitchen and some lovely women who are cleaning up our apartments for us. They might stay on to help out one of our families when we arrive.
The Fader living room. Looks almost identical to the McLaughlin living room (and I'm assuming, the Cropsey living room as well). You can see Elise in front of the fireplace, too.The bedrooms and bathrooms are pretty standard (flush toilets! running water!). This makes our imminent departure seem all the more real!


  1. I have lots of pictures of many of the MK's on that awesome tree swing... I love it! I hope you all adjust well to your new homes!
    God Bless!


  2. Looks like a perfect location for everyone. Everything you need plus more. Tim and Sharon McLaughlin
