

One of the many things I was hoping to accomplish before we leave for Kenya was to get our 1995 Toyota Camry over 200,000 miles. Not that I was driving with abandon, but we did preferentially use this car over the past few months. Just in time, we have passed this mark with 5 weeks until our departure. The amazing thing is that the car still has no major problems. As the McCropders plan what kind of car to buy in Kenya to share amongst ourselves, my experience with this Toyota will certainly push me to put my vote in for another one – though maybe a Landcruiser instead of a Camry. I wonder how many miles we can clock on our McCropder vehicle over the next many years. Perhaps not 200,000, since the road conditions can be slightly more challenging in Kenya!


  1. Congrats! Eric shares in your excitement for this accomplishment and wishes he could be there for the 200000 mile "tune-up". - Amy

  2. Kind of stinks to be that guy on the right side of the road in that pic...

  3. Ha ha! I hadn't noticed the guy on the right until I read your comment, Robert. Oh no!

  4. Hey Faders! I think I actually went on that road when I went into Nairobi 2 weeks ago:) Can't wait to see you guys here!

  5. Yes, I vote for Toyota as well. When we left Michigan we sold our 12+ year old Camry which had over 180,000 miles for more than the blue book value. It never gave us any problems other than regular maintenance. Gotta love 'em.
