
The Eleventh McCropder

With great joy we introduce to you the newest addition to the McCropder team. Baby Abi's adoption was finalized this week in Addis Ababa. Praise the Lord!

We Faders travel to Ethiopia in early September, and if all goes well, we bring Abi home to Michigan on September 13. We are so thankful.

Here are a few pictures of our beautiful new little girl. We took these pictures when we were in Ethiopia in May. Abi is now eight months old and seems to be growing well, despite her early malnutrition. Currently, Abi is approximately the same size as her new friend, Plumpy Nut (who is five months younger).

Praise God for Abi Fader - and for the adventures he has in store for all five McCropder children.


  1. Congratulations! She is so beautiful! I'll be praying that all goes smoothly between now and when Abi comes home! Exciting stuff!

  2. Adoption is sacred. You are walking on holy ground. Thank you!

  3. We're thrilled for you guys!!! Adoption has been a great blessing for us and I know it will be for you, too.

  4. Congratulations! May your family continue to be blessed as you move forward to do the work God has called you to!

  5. Oh, praise God! So excited with you to get to bring your baby girl home and to finally have her in your arms!

  6. (this is Hannah Willis, by the way)
