
Operating Onboard the Africa Mercyship

The large vessel pictured here is my temporary residence in Monrovia. This enormous hospital boat is docked here in the country of Liberia for a couple of months and is run by Mercyships. I am here for 3 weeks doing surgery (mainly hernia repairs).

The six operating rooms on board are shockingly well-equipped, and the amenities are fabulous - we even have air conditioning. The boat is so large that I sometimes forget that I am even on a boat, until I look out and see the horizon bobbing up and down.

One highlight thus far has been experiencing the community life on the boat. Eating, working, worshiping, playing, and interacting with the same 400 people from dozens of countries creates a very unique environment on board. Despite the diversity and rapid turnover of short term personnel, relationships are rich and the hospital care is of a very high quality. I'm looking forward to 2 more great weeks.

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