
Where are we going?

As of December 2010, we have reached a group decision to pursue the opportunity to work longterm in Burundi.

Specifically, we are applying to be sent by World Harvest Mission to work in Burundi with Hope Africa University's young medical school, who is need of doctors to teach their medical students while caring for patients at Kibuye Hospital, a small bush mission hospital, which is currently being expanded into their primary teaching hospital.

It wouldn't be feasible to try and enumerate all the reasons why we have decided on this course, but to mention a few things we're excited about:

-The country of Burundi certainly represents "the least of these", that we believe Jesus cares so much about, being among the five most undeveloped countries in the world.
-Yet, being post-war, there is an incredible window for growth and development in Burundi, and we feel that the Burundi leadership of Hope Africa University has already put their institution on a solid road.
-Our hope is that we can add substantially to the health care available in the region of Kibuye Hospital (which is outside the capital city, and thus incredibly devoid of medical professionals), and at the same time be integrally involved in the professional and spiritual development of young medical students and leaders.
-We feel that this opportunity provides the best mix of the gospel in "Word and Deed" as it would pertain to the gifts of our group.

From a timetable standpoint, there are a few detours on the way to Burundi. We will likely leave Kenya in the early autumn of 2011 (not that we have autumn here). We will be in the US for the following 9-12 months, and then hope to be able to head out for French language school, and then Kirundi language school (both of which are important for work in Burundi), which will take at least a year. A big investment, but joy in the journey, and we believe a worthwhile investment.


  1. Hey you guys,
    I've been cruising your site and thought I'd say hello. Our friends the Lees, Ellen and Will, said we have a lot in common (I guess Eric and I in particular they thought). Indeed, I have enjoyed the thoughts of the collective here.

    As I read, I find myself glorying in the Body of Christ. I feel pulled to tackle so many things and so desperately inadequate for the smallest of them, but there is an army outside of me. Praise be to God. He needs us not. I chose medpeds despite the urgent needs within the realm of obgyn. We are looking to India and likely not to North Africa afterall. Just encouraged by your existence and your dreams. Would love to meet next time any of you are in the Twin Cities.

    matthew jones

  2. Your excitement is contagious!

  3. Dear McCropders, my husband and I just returned from Burundi. We are with an organization called e3 partners (www.e3partners.org).Since 2008 we have led short-term mission trips to Burundi. Our primary focus is on church-planting. In Nov 2009 & Nov 2010 we added a medical component to those trips, mobilizing a team of med professionals to accompany us. During our Nov 2010 trip we actually worked at the hospital in Kibuye. They have such a great staff there. My husband and I were so excited to get your blog info from Dan & Heather Galat. After we read your story and your calling to Burundi, I felt compelled to affirm and encourage you in your calling to Burundi. We will be in Burundi again from mid-June to mid-July, then again in October. We would love to connect with you via email/facebook, etc. on an on-going basis. We've watched Burundi undergo dramatic transformation over the past 3 yrs. God's favor is definitely being shown to the people. There is more of a sense of hope and definitely a spiritual revival/awakening going on right now. We will pray for you all and hope that we can meet you someday!
